National Quality Framework
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The National Quality Framework was implemented on January 1, 2012 and applies to all long day care, family day care, preschool (or kindergarten) and Out of School Hours Care (OSHC) services. The framework was developed to regulate and drive continuous improvement in education and care services.
School Post: NQF Snapshot
School Post: National Quality Framework
SAASSO Bulletin: National Quality Framework
A snapshot of services assessed and rated against the NQF as of 2014. |
An overview of the National Quality Framework. |
National Quality Framework Overview. |
Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority
ACECQA, as it is more commonly called, is an independent, national authority based in Sydney. ACECQA guides the implementation of the National Quality Framework nationally and ensures consistency in delivery.
There are a number of documents produced by ACECQA to shed light on the NQF. The Guides can be found below, and a number of additional information sheets can be found here.
The National Quality Framework. |
Education & Care Services National Law & National Regulations 2011.
National Quality Standards 2011. |
Developing A Quality Improvement Plan |
Assessment and Rating for Services |
Information Sheet
Quality Improvement Plan Template. |
Quality Area 1
Developing a Culture of Learning Through Reflective Practice. |
Quality Area 2
Effective Toileting and Nappy Changing Procedure.
Quality Area 3
Keeping Pets And Animals In Education And Care Services. |
Quality Area 4
Belonging And Becoming For Educators. |
Quality Area 5
Relationships with Children. |
Quality Area 6
Building Partnerships With Families. |
Quality Area 7
Education Leadership and Team Building. |
Page updated: 14/11/16