Child Care

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Child Care in Australia is an issue. Demand for services is high, and supply is not meeting demand in many cases. Parents around the country are struggling to work due to inability to find appropriate child care.

See the below documents for a snapshot of the situation.

School Post: New Educator to Child Ratios

School Post: Budget 2015

School Post: Starting Blocks

New Educator to Child ratios as of 1 January 2016

Changes to Child Care in the 2015 Budget.

New resource for parents to help find the best education and care.


School Post: Children and Early Childhood 

School Post: Child Care in Australia

Report: Child Care in Australia

The Productivity Commission inquiry into Children and Early Childhood Learning.

A Snapshot of the state of Child Care in Australia in 2013.

A report on Child Care in Australia in 2013.


Page updated: 22/03/16