Cyber Safety

Return to Children’s Wellbeing…

The Internet provides an infinite range of information and resources for children of all ages, and introduces them to a world of socialising and entertainment. It also brings risks, such as exposure to inappropriate content, online predators and personal information disclosure. Cyber safety is more important now, than ever before.

For cyber safety information targeted specifically at young kids; kids; teens (and for parents!) – visit the cybersmart website.


Assault on Cyber Bullies


School Post: Protecting Children Online

An article from The Advertiser on the severity of cyber bullying

This article contains some online safety tips for parents

“65% of Australian parents do not take precautions when their children are online”



DECD – Social Media Policy




DECD – Social Media Guidelines





Parents’ guide to online safety.


Information Sheet


Tips for Teens Online


Information Sheet


Social Networking Safely


Information Sheet


Is Your Family Secure Online?


Page updated: 14/03/16