Early Years represents the absolute foundations of education and pertains to children from birth to five years.
There are four key aspects of Early Years education….
The National Quality Framework was implemented on January 1, 2012…. [more]
The Early Years Learning Framework (Belonging, Being & Becoming) is Australia’s first national Early Years Learning Framework for early childhood educators…. [more]
The Early Childhood Development section provides a snapshot of how Australia’s children and developing and the upcoming changes to how children will start preschool…. [more]
Child Care supplies information on the current state of childcare and recent changes to child care services…. [more]
Productivity Commission Inquiry
At the end of 2013, the Federal GOvernment asked the Productivity Commission to conduct an inquiry into the state of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) in Australia.
Over the following months the Commission conducted enquiries and took submissions from the public, before releasing a draft report in July 2014. The final report was delivered to Parliament in October 2014 and was finally released to the public on February 20, 2015. The Government has yet to respond.
See below for SAASSO’s summary of the draft report, as published in School Post, and for Volumes 1 & 2 of the final report.
School Post: Childcare and
Productivity Commission Final
Productivity Commission Final Report: Volume 2 |
Page updated: 02/03/15