SACE First Year Evaluation

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Along with Super Schools, the New SACE is the key reform of the State Labor Government.

Announced shortly before the state election in 2006, the New SACE was conceived to make the secondary school certificate more ‘flexible’ for those students not in the university stream and at risk of not finishing their high school education.

Initial scepticism evolved to contempt from many educators, academics and stakeholders – the new ‘flexibility’ accused of ‘dumbing down’ our state’s school certificate.

In particular, the ‘Research Project’ has been savaged by criticism from all quarters – including the students themselves.

After a year of unrelenting criticism, the Education Minister announced in late 2011, that the New SACE would be evaluated after just one year.

“More than  two thirds of Year 12 students want the research project to be optional. Nearly half of Year 12s say they prefer to do five subjects – not four and the research project.”  [Speak Out Survey; Office for Youth]



The SACE First Year Evaluation Panel was established in February 2012 to draw up the SACE Evaluation Brief and conduct the review.

The Panel consisted of four experts, headed by Bill Cossey, and were advised by a Reference Committee of education stakeholders – including SAASSO. The Committee met a number of times, and in addition to their advice, submissions were received by the SACE Board from the education community. The report of the panel has recently been completed and presented to the SACE Board, the State Government, and the public for consideration.

SAASSO Submission

In late 2011, SAASSO was invited to provide input into the SACE Board’s Strategic Plan for 2012.

SAASSO then met with Chief Executive Paul Kilvert to discuss our concerns and suggestions.



SAASSO Consultation

The Panel called for commnunity input.

However, the advertisement was placed late and missed by many.

SAASSO issued a bulletin to all members, calling for submissions. The Panel agreed to accept submissions after the deadline, for stakeholders who contacted SAASSO and informed us of their intent to provide input.

SACE First Year Report

The review report was released in July, 2012.

Disappointing for many, discarding the Research Project was not included in the review’s Terms of Reference.



The Outcome….


On November 22, the SACE Board released it’s reponse to the SACE First Year Evaluation Report

Essentially, this is the decision of the SACE Board as to what they are going to change and what they are going to leave the same.

The key decision of the government is that, despite near unanimous criticism from parents, students, teachers and education experts – the controversial Research Project will remain … they are even going to add to it.

SAASSO Bulletin