Bulletin - Term 1, 2016

Screen Time
4 April 2016

SAASSO Bulletin - Screen Time

How much screen time is too much for our children?

  • Children under two should not have any screen time.
  • Children aged between 2 & 5 should have less than an hour a day.
  • Children aged between 5 & 12 should have less than 2 hours a day.

Currently, South Australia has a significantly higher amount of screen time than the national average.

Boys accumulate about 40 minutes a day more screen time than girls.



Mensa Gifted Children Survey
21 March 2016

SAASSO Bulletin - Mensa Gifted Children








New Healthy Eating Pyramid
1 March 2016

SAASSO Bulletin - New Healthy Eating Pyramid









Way2Go Bike Program
22 February 2016

SAASSO Bulletin - Way2Go Bike Program









Governing Council Training
8 February 2016

SAASSO SP Training